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Image Processing Desktop Application

Hi friends, I would like to create a desktop application implemented low level algorithms like contrast enhancement, image debluring, super resolution etc. I would like to use a video camera and...

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OpenCV Android an array/vector of Mat

Hi, I wrote a program in C ++ using OpenCV. Now I would like to move it on Android. I have a problem with this record. In C++: vector tableRectangles ; vector limitRectangles ; tableRectangles...

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Can someone help me to translate this line of code in java?

if (area >= 30 && std::abs(1 - ((double)rect.width / (double)rect.height))

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lbp c++ how does spatial_histogram work?

I'm working on getting a java implementation of OpenCV's lbp histogram generation. I think I'm making progress, but I don't know what's happening with a specific function in OpenCV's code:...

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Combining FisherFaces and LBPH to improve accuracy

Hi everyone, i’m trying to implement a face recognition system for a video surveillance application. In this context test images are low quality, illumination change from an image to another, and,...

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Pure virtual method called extending FaceRecognizer

Hi everyone, i want to add a new method predict to the class FaceRecognizer in order to obtain all the labels and all the distances from the prediction both with FisherFace algorithm and LBPH...

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Equivalent OpenCV Java Code to this C++ Code

Whats are equivalent opencv java code to the blocks below? floodFilled = cv::Scalar::all(255) - floodFilled; and Mat temp; floodFilled(Rect(1, 1, dilateGrad.cols-2, dilateGrad.rows-2)).copyTo(temp);...

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c++ to java

I found source code in c++ std::vector> allContours; how do I make it in java ?

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Custom HOG not detecting features

I have an XML file with the contents of a trained SVM using HOG features from 14000 images in total, 9000 negative samples, and 5000 positive. I trained my SVM using OpenCV's Java extensions, but had...

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Translating code from C++

Hello, I'm trying to learn OpenCV in JAVA, but I have really bad time searching for any source of information. I want to load and display an image using OpenCV exacly like in this tutorial below, but...

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Opencv java vs C++ in video capture

I'm creating a project that needs to capture live camera video feeds continuously all the time and does processing on each frame. Processing involves locating a particular object of interest when it...

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Compare functions after normalize

Hey, guys! I'm doing a video reading and for each frame I need to calculate the average standard deviation and the variance. (I did these calculations without problems using the openCv method). Now,...

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translate example into Java

I'm trying to translate this demo into Java http://docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/d5/dc4/tutorial_video_input_psnr_ssim.html but I'm stuck on the lines using overloading of `-=` on `Mat`. My understanding of...

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C++ Mat.at to Java

Hi I am trying to convert some C++ OpenCV code to Java OpenCV code. I am trying to convert the following lines to Java: for(int i = 0; i (i, j); } } Can anyone help me out in explaining what the C++...

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ORB feature matching in Java

So i am currently working on converting an opencv program in c++ to java to do 2d feature matching. I've been having trouble understanding what some of the lines are doing and how i might be able to...

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Passing InputArrayOfArrays from java class to JNI

I have generated following method in JNI cpp file, JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_idesign_opencvmaketest_MainActivity_train (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj, jobjectArray images, jobjectArray labels) {...

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What is the java equivalent?

I'm trying to implement the below piece of code in JAVA; however, I cannot find a replacement for Vec3f. Any hint on it? Mat samples( img.rows * img.cols, 3, CV_32FC1 ); int index = 0; for( int y = 0;...

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Whats the equivalent of put(in java) for opencv c++?

I would like to translate the code below from java to open cv c++. I don't know whats the equivalent for put. Please help on this. Mat A = new Mat(1, 3, CvType.CV_32FC1); A.put(0, 0, -1); A.put(0, 1,...

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opencv c++ equivalent for arraylist in java

Whats the equivalent of the following lines in open cv c++? The first lines have written with java language. 1. ArrayList x = new ArrayList(); **is this its correct equivalent? std::vector x =...

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Java JNI “symbol lookup error” from custom native extension using OpenCV C++

I'm augmenting the Java wrapper for OpenCV with some of my own code. In a nutshell here is my build process: 1. On Ubuntu 16.04 I'm building OpenCV (3.4.0) Java wrapper statically linked so that all of...

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HoughLinesP generates an empty image

I'm developing an app wich uses OMR (Optical mark reconize) to read bubblesheets, I'm using the OpenCV API but I'm having some troubbles with HoughLinesP, when I use it that returns an empty image to...

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Different results of code language conversion

Hello everyone, I'm developing an OMR Application in Java/Android, I get a sample to this but that was in C++, so I started to convert the code to Java, when I finish it, the result was completely...

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What are the correct data types for contours and moments?

I have a running program for the Lego in C++. Now, I find out that LeJos for the Mindstorm EV3 only has an engine for Java for Eclipse. So, I need to convert my running C++ program to Java in Eclipse...

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Can someone please rewrite the Cascade Classifier sample script?

The Cascade Classifier sample script is written in C++ only. I am studying java. Can someone please rewrite the sample in Java.

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How do I choose which camera I am accessing?

I have a 4-way USB splitter and am trying to develop the ability to access any one of four webcams. So far, I have not been able to do this. I am using C++ code samples to develop my java code. That...

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How to translate this code to Java

This code is from Azoft to read embossed text from credit cards (https://www.azoft.com/blog/ocr-embossed-text). I'm trying to integrate it with my school project, they gave an example code using C, and...

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Focus stacking with C++ are not the same as in Java

Firstly, sorry for my english, it's not my mother tongue I have to implement a system of focus stacking in a software, I found an algorithm on Github in Java and I transcribed it in C ++ but the...

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c++ code of opencv project , run by java jni

Hi i have c++ code of opencv project , i will run this code by java jni my os is ubuntu , i create .so file by c++ code and try to run by java , but show this error : main.so: undefined symbol:...

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How to fix 'only black frames receiving' in Android with OpenCV

I was developing a Augmented Reality feature similar to [inkHunter](http://inkhunter.tattoo) for a mobile application using python and openCV. The code worked well as I expected even-though it had...

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C++ CV::Mat.at(0) in Java

I'm currently converting the code from this answer([How to make auto-adjustments(brightness and contrast) for image Android Opencv Image...

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